//----------------------------------------------------------------------------// // // // ozz-animation is hosted at http://github.com/guillaumeblanc/ozz-animation // // and distributed under the MIT License (MIT). // // // // Copyright (c) Guillaume Blanc // // // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), // // to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation // // the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, // // and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the // // Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL // // THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING // // FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER // // DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // // // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// #include "framework/application.h" #include "framework/imgui.h" #include "framework/mesh.h" #include "framework/renderer.h" #include "framework/utils.h" #include "ozz/animation/runtime/animation.h" #include "ozz/animation/runtime/ik_aim_job.h" #include "ozz/animation/runtime/local_to_model_job.h" #include "ozz/animation/runtime/sampling_job.h" #include "ozz/animation/runtime/skeleton.h" #include "ozz/base/log.h" #include "ozz/base/maths/box.h" #include "ozz/base/maths/simd_math.h" #include "ozz/base/maths/simd_quaternion.h" #include "ozz/base/maths/soa_transform.h" #include "ozz/base/maths/vec_float.h" #include "ozz/options/options.h" // Skeleton archive can be specified as an option. OZZ_OPTIONS_DECLARE_STRING(skeleton, "Path to the skeleton (ozz archive format).", "media/skeleton.ozz", false) // Animation archive can be specified as an option. OZZ_OPTIONS_DECLARE_STRING(animation, "Path to the animation (ozz archive format).", "media/animation.ozz", false) // Mesh archive can be specified as an option. OZZ_OPTIONS_DECLARE_STRING(mesh, "Path to the skinned mesh (ozz archive format).", "media/mesh.ozz", false) // Defines IK chain joint names. // Joints must be from the same hierarchy (all ancestors of the first joint // listed) and ordered from child to parent. const char* kJointNames[] = {"Head", "Spine3", "Spine2", "Spine1"}; const size_t kMaxChainLength = OZZ_ARRAY_SIZE(kJointNames); // Forward vector in head local-space. const ozz::math::SimdFloat4 kHeadForward = ozz::math::simd_float4::y_axis(); // Defines Up vectors for each joint. This is skeleton/rig dependant. const ozz::math::SimdFloat4 kJointUpVectors[] = { ozz::math::simd_float4::x_axis(), ozz::math::simd_float4::x_axis(), ozz::math::simd_float4::x_axis(), ozz::math::simd_float4::x_axis()}; static_assert(OZZ_ARRAY_SIZE(kJointUpVectors) == kMaxChainLength, "Array size mismatch."); class LookAtSampleApplication : public ozz::sample::Application { public: LookAtSampleApplication() : target_offset_(.2f, 1.5f, -.3f), target_extent_(1.f), eyes_offset_(.07f, .1f, 0.f), enable_ik_(true), chain_length_(kMaxChainLength), joint_weight_(.5f), chain_weight_(1.f), show_skin_(true), show_joints_(false), show_target_(true), show_eyes_offset_(false), show_forward_(false) {} protected: // Updates current animation time and skeleton pose. virtual bool OnUpdate(float _dt, float _time) { // Animates target position. MoveTarget(_time); // Updates current animation time. controller_.Update(animation_, _dt); // Samples optimized animation at t = animation_time_. ozz::animation::SamplingJob sampling_job; sampling_job.animation = &animation_; sampling_job.context = &context_; sampling_job.ratio = controller_.time_ratio(); sampling_job.output = make_span(locals_); if (!sampling_job.Run()) { return false; } // Converts from local-space to model-space matrices. ozz::animation::LocalToModelJob ltm_job; ltm_job.skeleton = &skeleton_; ltm_job.input = make_span(locals_); ltm_job.output = make_span(models_); if (!ltm_job.Run()) { return false; } // Early out if IK is disabled. if (!enable_ik_) { return true; } // IK aim job setup. ozz::animation::IKAimJob ik_job; // Pole vector and target position are constant for the whole algorithm, in // model-space. ik_job.pole_vector = ozz::math::simd_float4::y_axis(); ik_job.target = ozz::math::simd_float4::Load3PtrU(&target_.x); // The same quaternion will be used each time the job is run. ozz::math::SimdQuaternion correction; ik_job.joint_correction = &correction; // The algorithm iteratively updates from the first joint (closer to the // head) to the last (the further ancestor, closer to the pelvis). Joints // order is already validated. For the first joint, aim IK is applied with // the global forward and offset, so the forward vector aligns in direction // of the target. If a weight lower that 1 is provided to the first joint, // then it will not fully align to the target. In this case further joint // will need to be updated. For the remaining joints, forward vector and // offset position are computed in each joint local-space, before IK is // applied: // 1. Rotates forward and offset position based on the result of the // previous joint IK. // 2. Brings forward and offset back in joint local-space. // Aim is iteratively applied up to the last selected joint of the // hierarchy. A weight of 1 is given to the last joint so we can guarantee // target is reached. Note that model-space transform of each joint doesn't // need to be updated between each pass, as joints are ordered from child to // parent. int previous_joint = ozz::animation::Skeleton::kNoParent; for (int i = 0, joint = joints_chain_[0]; i < chain_length_; ++i, previous_joint = joint, joint = joints_chain_[i]) { // Setups the model-space matrix of the joint being processed by IK. ik_job.joint = &models_[joint]; // Setups joint local-space up vector. ik_job.up = kJointUpVectors[i]; // Setups weights of IK job. // the last joint being processed needs a full weight (1.f) to ensure // target is reached. const bool last = i == chain_length_ - 1; ik_job.weight = chain_weight_ * (last ? 1.f : joint_weight_); // Setup offset and forward vector for the current joint being processed. if (i == 0) { // First joint, uses global forward and offset. ik_job.offset = ozz::math::simd_float4::Load3PtrU(&eyes_offset_.x); ik_job.forward = kHeadForward; } else { // Applies previous correction to "forward" and "offset", before // bringing them to model-space (_ms). const ozz::math::SimdFloat4 corrected_forward_ms = TransformVector(models_[previous_joint], TransformVector(correction, ik_job.forward)); const ozz::math::SimdFloat4 corrected_offset_ms = TransformPoint(models_[previous_joint], TransformVector(correction, ik_job.offset)); // Brings "forward" and "offset" to joint local-space const ozz::math::Float4x4 inv_joint = Invert(models_[joint]); ik_job.forward = TransformVector(inv_joint, corrected_forward_ms); ik_job.offset = TransformPoint(inv_joint, corrected_offset_ms); } // Runs IK aim job. if (!ik_job.Run()) { return false; } // Apply IK quaternion to its respective local-space transforms. ozz::sample::MultiplySoATransformQuaternion(joint, correction, make_span(locals_)); } // Skeleton model-space matrices need to be updated again. This re-uses the // already setup job, but limits the update to childs of the last joint (the // parent-iest of the chain). ltm_job.from = previous_joint; if (!ltm_job.Run()) { return false; } return true; } // Sample arbitrary target animation implementation. bool MoveTarget(float _time) { const ozz::math::Float3 animated_target(std::sin(_time * .5f), std::cos(_time * .25f), std::cos(_time) * .5f + .5f); target_ = target_offset_ + animated_target * target_extent_; return true; } // Samples animation, transforms to model space and renders. virtual bool OnDisplay(ozz::sample::Renderer* _renderer) { bool success = true; const ozz::math::Float4x4 identity = ozz::math::Float4x4::identity(); const float kAxeScale = .1f; const ozz::math::Float4x4 kAxesScale = ozz::math::Float4x4::Scaling(ozz::math::simd_float4::Load1(kAxeScale)); // Renders character. if (show_skin_) { // Builds skinning matrices. // The mesh might not use (aka be skinned by) all skeleton joints. We // use the joint remapping table (available from the mesh object) to // reorder model-space matrices and build skinning ones. for (size_t m = 0; m < meshes_.size(); ++m) { const ozz::sample::Mesh& mesh = meshes_[m]; for (size_t i = 0; i < mesh.joint_remaps.size(); ++i) { skinning_matrices_[i] = models_[mesh.joint_remaps[i]] * mesh.inverse_bind_poses[i]; } success &= _renderer->DrawSkinnedMesh( mesh, make_span(skinning_matrices_), identity); } } else { // Renders skeleton only. success &= _renderer->DrawPosture(skeleton_, make_span(models_), identity); } // Showing joints if (show_joints_) { const float kSphereRadius = .02f; for (int i = 0; i < chain_length_; ++i) { const ozz::math::Float4x4& transform = models_[joints_chain_[i]]; success &= _renderer->DrawAxes(transform * kAxesScale); success &= _renderer->DrawSphereIm(kSphereRadius, transform, ozz::sample::kWhite); } } // Showing target, as a box or axes depending on show_forward_ option. if (show_target_) { const ozz::math::Float4x4 target = ozz::math::Float4x4::Translation( ozz::math::simd_float4::Load3PtrU(&target_.x)); if (show_forward_) { success &= _renderer->DrawAxes(target * kAxesScale); } else { success &= _renderer->DrawSphereIm(.02f, target, ozz::sample::kGreen); } } if (show_eyes_offset_ || show_forward_) { const int head = joints_chain_[0]; const ozz::math::Float4x4 offset = models_[head] * ozz::math::Float4x4::Translation( ozz::math::simd_float4::Load3PtrU(&eyes_offset_.x)); if (show_eyes_offset_) { success &= _renderer->DrawAxes(offset * kAxesScale); } if (show_forward_) { ozz::math::Float3 begin; ozz::math::Store3PtrU(offset.cols[3], &begin.x); ozz::math::Float3 forward; ozz::math::Store3PtrU(kHeadForward, &forward.x); ozz::sample::Color color = {0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff}; success &= _renderer->DrawSegment(ozz::math::Float3::zero(), forward * 10.f, color, offset); } } return success; } virtual bool OnInitialize() { // Reading skeleton. if (!ozz::sample::LoadSkeleton(OPTIONS_skeleton, &skeleton_)) { return false; } // Look for each joint in the chain. int found = 0; for (int i = 0; i < skeleton_.num_joints() && found != kMaxChainLength; ++i) { const char* joint_name = skeleton_.joint_names()[i]; if (std::strcmp(joint_name, kJointNames[found]) == 0) { joints_chain_[found] = i; // Restart search ++found; i = 0; } } // Exit if all joints weren't found. if (found != kMaxChainLength) { ozz::log::Err() << "At least a joint wasn't found in the skeleton hierarchy." << std::endl; return false; } // Validates joints are order from child to parent of the same hierarchy. if (!ValidateJointsOrder(skeleton_, joints_chain_)) { ozz::log::Err() << "Joints aren't properly ordered, they must be from " "the same hierarchy (all ancestors of the first joint " "listed) and ordered from child to parent." << std::endl; return false; } // Allocates runtime buffers. const int num_soa_joints = skeleton_.num_soa_joints(); locals_.resize(num_soa_joints); const int num_joints = skeleton_.num_joints(); models_.resize(num_joints); // Allocates a context that matches animation requirements. context_.Resize(num_joints); // Reading animation. if (!ozz::sample::LoadAnimation(OPTIONS_animation, &animation_)) { return false; } // Reading character mesh. if (!ozz::sample::LoadMeshes(OPTIONS_mesh, &meshes_)) { return false; } // The number of joints of the mesh needs to match skeleton. for (size_t m = 0; m < meshes_.size(); ++m) { const ozz::sample::Mesh& mesh = meshes_[m]; if (num_joints < mesh.highest_joint_index()) { ozz::log::Err() << "The provided mesh doesn't match skeleton " "(joint count mismatch)." << std::endl; return false; } } skinning_matrices_.resize(num_joints); return true; } // Traverses the hierarchy from the first joint to the root, to check if // joints are all ancestors (same branch), and ordered. bool ValidateJointsOrder(const ozz::animation::Skeleton& _skeleton, ozz::span _joints) { const size_t count = _joints.size(); if (count == 0) { return true; } size_t i = 1; for (int joint = _joints[0], parent = _skeleton.joint_parents()[joint]; i != count && joint != ozz::animation::Skeleton::kNoParent; joint = parent, parent = _skeleton.joint_parents()[joint]) { if (parent == _joints[i]) { ++i; } } return count == i; } virtual void OnDestroy() {} virtual bool OnGui(ozz::sample::ImGui* _im_gui) { char txt[64]; _im_gui->DoCheckBox("Enable ik", &enable_ik_); sprintf(txt, "IK chain length: %d", chain_length_); _im_gui->DoSlider(txt, 0, kMaxChainLength, &chain_length_); sprintf(txt, "Joint weight %.2g", joint_weight_); _im_gui->DoSlider(txt, 0.f, 1.f, &joint_weight_); sprintf(txt, "Chain weight %.2g", chain_weight_); _im_gui->DoSlider(txt, 0.f, 1.f, &chain_weight_); // Exposes animation runtime playback controls. { static bool open = true; ozz::sample::ImGui::OpenClose oc(_im_gui, "Animation control", &open); if (open) { controller_.OnGui(animation_, _im_gui); } } { // Target position static bool opened = true; ozz::sample::ImGui::OpenClose oc(_im_gui, "Target offset", &opened); if (opened) { const float kTargetRange = 3.f; _im_gui->DoLabel("Animated extent"); sprintf(txt, "%.2g", target_extent_); _im_gui->DoSlider(txt, 0.f, kTargetRange, &target_extent_); sprintf(txt, "x %.2g", target_offset_.x); _im_gui->DoSlider(txt, -kTargetRange, kTargetRange, &target_offset_.x); sprintf(txt, "y %.2g", target_offset_.y); _im_gui->DoSlider(txt, -kTargetRange, kTargetRange, &target_offset_.y); sprintf(txt, "z %.2g", target_offset_.z); _im_gui->DoSlider(txt, -kTargetRange, kTargetRange, &target_offset_.z); } } { // Offset position static bool opened = true; ozz::sample::ImGui::OpenClose oc(_im_gui, "Eyes offset", &opened); if (opened) { const float kOffsetRange = .5f; sprintf(txt, "x %.2g", eyes_offset_.x); _im_gui->DoSlider(txt, -kOffsetRange, kOffsetRange, &eyes_offset_.x); sprintf(txt, "y %.2g", eyes_offset_.y); _im_gui->DoSlider(txt, -kOffsetRange, kOffsetRange, &eyes_offset_.y); sprintf(txt, "z %.2g", eyes_offset_.z); _im_gui->DoSlider(txt, -kOffsetRange, kOffsetRange, &eyes_offset_.z); } } // Options { _im_gui->DoCheckBox("Show skin", &show_skin_); _im_gui->DoCheckBox("Show joints", &show_joints_); _im_gui->DoCheckBox("Show target", &show_target_); _im_gui->DoCheckBox("Show eyes offset", &show_eyes_offset_); _im_gui->DoCheckBox("Show forward", &show_forward_); } return true; } virtual void GetSceneBounds(ozz::math::Box* _bound) const { const ozz::math::Float3 radius(target_extent_ * .8f); _bound->min = target_offset_ - radius; _bound->max = target_offset_ + radius; } private: // Playback animation controller. This is a utility class that helps with // controlling animation playback time. ozz::sample::PlaybackController controller_; // Runtime skeleton. ozz::animation::Skeleton skeleton_; // Runtime animation. ozz::animation::Animation animation_; // Sampling context. ozz::animation::SamplingJob::Context context_; // Buffer of local transforms as sampled from animation_. ozz::vector locals_; // Buffer of model-space matrices. ozz::vector models_; // Buffer of skinning matrices, result of the joint multiplication of the // inverse rest pose with the model-space matrix. ozz::vector skinning_matrices_; // The mesh used by the sample. ozz::vector meshes_; // Indices of the joints that are IKed for look-at purpose. // Joints must be from the same hierarchy (all ancestors of the first joint // listed) and ordered from child to parent. int joints_chain_[kMaxChainLength]; // Sample settings // Target position management. ozz::math::Float3 target_offset_; float target_extent_; ozz::math::Float3 target_; // Offset of the look at position in (head) joint local-space. ozz::math::Float3 eyes_offset_; // IK settings // Enable IK look at. bool enable_ik_; // Set length of the chain that is IKed, between 0 and kMaxChainLength. int chain_length_; // Weight given to every joint of the chain. If any joint has a weight of 1, // no other following joint will contribute (as the target will be reached). float joint_weight_; // Overall weight given to the IK on the full chain. This allows blending in // and out of IK. float chain_weight_; // Options bool show_skin_; bool show_joints_; bool show_target_; bool show_eyes_offset_; bool show_forward_; }; int main(int _argc, const char** _argv) { const char* title = "Ozz-animation sample: Look at"; return LookAtSampleApplication().Run(_argc, _argv, "1.0", title); }